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RS2 Machine Tech/CAM I

Chicago Public Schools

Machine Tech/CAM I 613102R Regular Career Ed, Elective This course is designed to introduce students to various applications in the machine shop. The conventional projects are lathe and milling machine intensive, but also include layout procedures and hand tool applications. Upon successful completion of the projects, the student will have a series of fully functional hand tools, and will have learned many of the procedures needed to effectively operate a variety of machine tools. In addition, 2- and 3-axis computer numerical control (CNC) programming will be introduced. Students will learn basic point-to-point programming, as well as advanced cycle programming, to develop and manufacture a personalized keepsake.

CTE Program: Machine Technology
Age: 13—22
Cost: FREE
Type: In Person

Date + Time

Date(s): 01/09/2025 - 06/20/2025

Time: See Schedule

Registration deadline: n/a


Chicago,Illinois 60639

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